Friday 30 September 2011

A day in the park

What a beautiful day in the park!
I haven't bought a new piece of clothing in over 2 years - apart from one pair of jeans, shoes (because of my big hoofers), and underwear (because I have to draw a line somewhere - slips and petticoats yes, underwear no!).
I bought this dress a few years ago at the shop where I used to work, and it's one of my few 'new' pieces of clothing that I still wear and love. It's luscious silk, and i just love the colours and the pretty, pretty flowers!

My plaid boy's reflection!

This little family of ducks and duckling were just so sweet!!

I'm embracing spring - more, please!!


Monday 26 September 2011

Old soul

I sometimes feel that I should have been born in another era.
I'm sure many of my fellow vintage-lovers feel this way on a fairly regular basis. However, it's never quite so simple as it seems at first thought.

(I love the glamour of these pool-side beauties, don't you?)

Had I been my born in the same era as my Nan, and been a young woman 60 years ago, I probably wouldn't be working in my field. I really, truly love my job. I'm passionate about what I do, but sometimes I long for another life, another time.

I find it hard to express my feelings, even to myself sometimes, and seem to alternate and swing between nostalgia and romanticism, and the reality of my every day job.

So what's a girl to do? I keep working, but bring vintage charm into my life in every way possible!
How do you negotiate your reality vs your ideal world?

Sunday 25 September 2011

Why hello, there!

I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Clara, and it's very nice to meet you.
This is my first foray into the world of online blogging, and it really is quite exciting! It might be a bit of a slow process for me getting on my feet and making regular posts (including pictures, which will be on their way), but I'm very much looking forward to sharing.

I'll write again soon!
